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15th June 2016

The annual parish meeting took place on the 25th May and was well attended with thirty residents coming along. A big thank you to all those that contributed.  Our two main and external speakers were Janet Wilmot of Sussex Wildlife Trust and Peterl Gillbee of Burton Park Management both delivering fascinating talks on aspects of the landscape in and close to the parish.  Interestingly, whether the wild natural landscape of the Downs or the man-made landscape of Capability Brown’s work at Burton Park, both are heavily managed either to return the flora and fauna to how we think it should be or to make sure the flora and fauna are not how we think it should be.  Whether you enjoyed the talks or not, and whether you agree to how they are being managed or not, it is clear we are very much observers of these changes and projects that effect the countryside that we inhabit.  That aside one of speakers also informed us, for those keen nature lovers and invertebrate enthusiasts you will be pleased to know we have the rare Alder Leaf Beetle in our midst.  Perhaps Toni Green will dedicated a few paragraphs in the next edition to educate us as to its appearance and habits!

The continuing discussion on the New Homes Bonus will come to an end at the next parish council meeting on July 6th.  At the APM I raised this issue again to bring everyone up to date, in short we have received no other ideas other than the Village Hall Committee suggestion of funding towards a new boiler.  This does meet the criteria and broadly speaking all parties concerned support this idea.   Unless we receive any alternative thoughts then we will make an application to the NHB scheme after the PCs approval.

Another issue that was raised by concerned residents at the annual parish meeting was Sutton Bowls Club.  It was reported by a resident that a number of parishioners were concerned about the state of the bowling greens and the apparent abandonment of this village facility. So much so that a group of residents took it upon themselves to dedicate a day to maintain the Bowls Club, in order to save the greens and make the place at least look more presentable.  Clearly, the parish councillors are aware of developments and are looking and acting on a number of options, but given the long and lamentable history of this problem there is no simple answer.  We are open to all thoughts and ideas.

Finally, there have been a number of incidents of fly tipping in and around the area.  Both Bignor and Barlavington have had to deal with the aftermath of this outrage. Coincidentally the parish council was asked to contribute to the consultation over WSCC changing opening times and charging for the use of recycling centres for vans and folk with trailers.  The PC expressed the view any such suggestion to charge will only encourage further fly tipping, if it happens without charges it is likely to increase if fees are introduced.  In terms of opening hours they know when their facilities are used and under used, why ask us.

John Cross

Chairman Sutton and Barlavington Parish Council

Next parish council meeting will be held on Wednesday the 6th July, Village Hall, 7.30pm

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