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    Notice of District Elections

    NOTICE OF ELECTION CHICHESTER DISTRICT COUNCIL 4 MAY 2023 1     Elections are to be held of Councillors for the following Wards :- Ward Number of Councillors to be elected CHICHESTER CENTRAL 1 CHICHESTER EAST 2 CHICHESTER NORTH 2 CHICHESTER SOUTH 2 CHICHESTER WEST 2 EASEBOURNE (Parishes of Easebourne, Heyshott and Lodsworth) 1 FERNHURST (Parishes of Fernhurst, Lurgashall, Linch, Linchmere and Milland) 2 FITTLEWORTH (Parishes of Barlavington, Bignor, Bury, Duncton, East Lavington, Fittleworth, Graffham, Stopham and Sutton) 1 GOODWOOD (Parishes of Boxgrove, Eartham, East Dean, Singleton, Upwaltham, West Dean and Westhampnett) 1 HARBOUR VILLAGES (Parishes of Appledram, Bosham, Chidham, Donnington and Fishbourne) 3 HARTING (Parishes of Elsted & Treyford, Harting, Nyewood,…

  • General,  Uncategorized

    Notice of Parish Elections

    NOTICE OF ELECTION PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS 4 MAY 2023 1      Elections are to be held of Councillors for the Parishes and Parish Wards named below:-   Parish or Ward Number of Councillors to be elected   Person from whom Nomination Papers can be obtained BARLAVINGTON 2 Hannah-Louise O’Callaghan – suttonbarlav@gmail.com BEPTON 7 Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, East Pallant, Chichester, PO19 1TY – 01243 521010 – elections@chichester.gov.uk BURY 9 Mike Simpson, Clerk, Bury Village Hall, The Street, Bury, RH20 1PA – clerk@buryparishcouncil.org.uk COCKING 7 Clerk to Cocking Parish Council – parishclerk@cocking.org – 07739 506275 DUNCTON 7 Hannah-Louise O’Callaghan – clerk@duncton.org EASEBOURNE 11 Sharon Hurr –  parishclerk@easebourne.org – 07342 166188…

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    West Sussex Covid-19 Update

    West Sussex will be in Tier 2 from next week New local restrictions to control the spread of coronavirus will come into effect next week. The government has announced that from Wednesday (December 2), West Sussex will be in Tier 2. This is for areas with a higher or rapidly rising level of infections, and some additional restrictions will need to be in place. You can find a full breakdown of the new restrictions here. National restrictions continue to apply until December 2. Local support for NHS Test & Trace A new service has just gone live to support the national NHS Test and Trace system.Working from West Sussex County Council’s COVID-19 Community…

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  • Newsletters,  Uncategorized

    Parish Matters

    village clean up Dear Fellow Resident, Hopefully, like us, you really appreciate how fortunate we are to live in these beautiful surroundings – and consequently become upset or annoyed to see the lanes strewn with litter, the drains blocked, the fingerposts green with mildew etc. Well, since the local authorities stopped providing such services years ago, there are but two options – accept the decline or do something about it! Hence the initiative of our Village Clean-up Day on Saturday 6th April from 9am to 1pm. This is now long overdue, as the last one, organized by the late and lamented Norman Young, was now about five (?) years ago.…

  • Newsletters,  Uncategorized

    Parish Matters 32

    Last month I wrote at length concerning the General Date Protection Regulations (GDPR), by now you will have received an email from our Parish Clerk asking if you wish to continue to receive parish emails. If you were on our list and received an email and did not respond you will no longer received Parish Council emails. If you were never on our email list and wish to be, or you never got around to responding on time then you can still email the Parish Clerk asking to be included on parish circulars, the Clerks email is listed in the back pages of the Village News. As we begin to…

  • Newsletters,  Uncategorized

    Parish Matters 31

    Last night we held the first parish council meeting of the year in the Church, the next three PC meetings will also be held in the Church as personal schedules and conflicting dates mean the Village Hall is not available. A subject that took up a great deal of time was the preparation for the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Hannah-Louise, our Clerk, has been following developments with SALC and NALC and advised the Parish Council that we need to put in place guidelines and policies to comply with the GDPR. So the Parish Council adopted and updated policies on Privacy Policy, Freedom of Information Guidelines, Document…

  • Newsletters,  Uncategorized

    Parish Matters – December

    A Letter from Brittany Bonjour tout le monde, I am out in Brittany until the new year and whilst this is wonderful I have been pondering as to what to write in this article being far from the good people of Sutton and Barlavington. I am staying in a large village called Rochefort en Terre, which is on the South side of Brittany and has a population of roughly 700 people. Last year it was voted by the French to be their prettiest village. The consequences of this accolade is that enormous numbers of tourists descend on the place during the summer and particularly at this time of the year…

  • Newsletters,  Uncategorized

    Parish Matters – October

    As we begin the descent into winter the Parish Council is mindful that our winter maintenance preparations are all in good order, so grit bins topped up, contractor employed and Councillor Parkes is ready to authorise the gritting of key areas of road that are particularly susceptible to hazardous conditions, for example outside the White Horse and Sutton Hollow. There are other areas too that are gritted, but the point I wish to make is that more of the parish roads are not gritted than are. So do be careful when driving about in the coming months. Whist I am on the subject of road maintenance, you will have noticed…

  • Newsletters,  Uncategorized

    Parish Matters – September

    Holiday season is over, as is the sunny weather, and the Parish Council is already getting our Winter Maintenance Plan submitted and put into action. So shortly salt bins will be topped up, the contractor who salts the roads will be engaged, and drains and ditches made ready for any deluge that lies ahead. You too can help by keeping leaves clear from any drain culvert near your property. Cllr. Parker is in charge of Winter Maintenance Plan process so if you do have anything you are concerned about or feel needs addressing do contract Yvette. Something else the village needs to prepare for is the change of Landlord at…

  • Newsletters,  Uncategorized

    Parish Matters August

    As many of you know Nick at The White Horse will be leaving Sutton in theAutumn. We wish him well in the future. As soon as the Parish Council became aware that there would be a change oflandlord or owner, we applied to have the pub to become a village asset, the Purpose of this was purely precautionary. It was a concern that should Enterprise Inns the owners of The White Horse not find a suitable purchaser and try to sell the pub for anything other than a pub, then the listing as a village asset would have given the residents of the village time to acquire the property and run…