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15th July 2016

In recent weeks the more visually aware will have noticed the Sutton telephone box has changed colours several times.  It’s traditional K6 telephone box red was replaced by a fetching pink.  WSCC Councillor Brown and PC Councillor Brown wishing to reflect the open, rich and diverse nature of our small community thought the kiosk should celebrate gay pride day.  Just kidding.   The necessary pink undercoat application amusingly did coincide with that event though.  All will agree the telephone box looks the best it’s look in a number of years, well done Cllr Brown for organising and executing this task.

A number of residents in Greenfield’s contacted the Parish Council regarding Hyde Bartlett’s new found interest in cars found parking on the green and generally on the road.  Concern was expressed that Hdye Bartlett would investigate reconciling the issue by replacing part of the green with parking provision.  One of the costs being the felling of the Lime tree in the centre of the green.  The council, at the request of some residents, have applied and successfully obtained a tree preservation order (TPO).  So any future plans will need to consider the tree and its environment.  The council should be informed though planning or highways of any alterations to the road layout and if we do hear anything we will be sure to let everyone have their say.

On the 6th July the Parish Council meeting took place and one of the matters that required a decision was the NHB grant.  After much consultation we finally have a consensus that a bid should be made for a contribution to the much needed new boiler for the Village Hall, this would require both Sutton and Barlavington and our close neighbour Bignor applying jointly, which both parties are happy to do.  This application needs to be completed by the end of month so Cllr Neave is working with the Village Hall Committee to populate the application in time.  In order to give the application the best possible chance of success, the new boiler and the Village Hall is to be equipped as a place of ‘refuge’.  This means that should the community, or individuals, suffer long periods of electricity outage and some other unspecified disaster the Village Hall will be in a condition to help, by having a warm environment where food can be cooked  and shelter sought.  Needless to say this means that the Village Hall does not just require a new boiler, so other plans and applications will be submitted to various grant providers to make the grant for a new boiler part of a slightly larger project.  The Parish Council of course will be working closely with the Village Hall Committee to make this ‘refuge’ provision happen.

Another item that comes round too quickly is the ‘winter maintenance plan’.  We were lucky last year having very mild weather, whether that is the case next winter is in the lap of the gods.  We have limited resources and currently Cllr Parkes is investigating how we can best spread the limited grit available to us when the need arises.  More on this in the coming months.

Next month my deputy will be writing ‘Parish Matters’ when we will be able to give you an update on the village website.

John Cross

Chairman Sutton and Barlavington Parish Council

Next Parish Council Meeting will be in the Village Hall on September 14th 7.30pm

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