
15th May 2016

This time last year the Parish Council bid for funds for the new comfortable chairs for the Village Hall.  I think everyone is pleased with the upgrade in seating arrangements.  It appears that if Bignor and Sutton and Barlavington Parish’s conjoin in another bid for the New Homes Bonus scheme then we may be able to apply for a further grant.  The reason for the need for the two parishes to work on this together is that separately we do not qualify, but together we do.

Both Sutton and Bignor representatives have agreed that it is in both parishes interest to submit a joint bid.  Rachel Orr our parish clerk has sent around an email circular asking for ideas for what we should use this grant for, if we were successful in our application.  We have asked the Village Hall Committee to forward ideas, and Rachel mentioned in her email that they have suggested the funds could go towards contributing to a new boiler.  If you do have any other ideas do send these to any of the Parish Councillors or our Clerk, the Parish Council have to submit an application by July so please gives us your ideas soon.

In another enterprise with Bignor parish we have jointly, and successfully, bid for funding for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations.  The Village Hall Committee are arranging a street party, to take place on the 12th June, so the funds will go towards the cost of the live music.  The grant could not be used to purchase alcohol, so instead of a toast to the Queen we will be dancing to the Queen, perhaps Abba’s famous hit would be appropriate!

On the June 11th we have arranged, with the help of David Snowdon, to have a Defibrillator training day. This has not been arranged the day before the street party because we think everyone will be dancing wildly for hours and may over do it, it is purely coincidental.  Dr. Richard Richardson has very kindly agreed to come and demonstrate, kindly assisted by David, how to use this life saving piece of equipment.  Could those that are interested in attending please contact theme Clerk or me, I will be one of those that will be going along, it would be useful to know in advance how many residents are likely to attend.  The session will commence at 10am at the Village Hall and should last roughly an hour.

I mentioned last month that the annual parish meeting will be on Wednesday 25th May at 7pm in the Village Hall, all are welcome.  As well as our two speakers, Janet Wilmot from Sussex Wildlife Trust and Peter Gillby who will be talking about Burton Park house and parklands.  We will also have numerous reports from the different representatives of village committees and elected councillors.

Oh of course there will be nibbles and a glass of wine to help you enjoy the evening further.

John Cross -Chairman of Sutton and Barlavington Parish Council

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