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15th March 2017

In last month’s parish matters I had a short rant about the parish council being asked its opinion on everything and generally being ignored on the important things that concern us.  One of my more attentive readers wrote to say I was factually incorrect.  Wishing to be a paragon of virtue and model of the free press we all love and respect, I am happy to self regulate and correct my error.  Planning, which is what I was complaining about, does not fall to WSCC but rather is controlled by SDNP and is run locally by its agent CDC. 

As I am discussing local authority powers, the parish council has received no volunteers to fill the two parish councillors vacant posts .  While this in itself can be managed in the short term, we do need residents to step forward.  The smaller the Parish Council, the more work falls on the Clerk, which in turn costs us all more money in extra wages.   Last month I mentioned our present Clerk was standing down.  Rachel Orr has been a real asset and work diligently for the parish for nearly two years, we wish her well in her new career.   

Rachel has also worked hard trying to find us a new Clerk.  At the beginning of the month Councillor Wendy Brown and I interviewed and appointed a new Clerk Hannah Louise O’Callaghan.  The exact date of hand over is to be negotiated, which is complicated by the parish accounts having to be ready for auditing around this time of year.  Despite this we will have a new Clerk very shortly.

WSCC have written to all parishes to advise them that ‘Operation Watershed’ is going to be funded again this year and all Parishes are encouraged to apply and seek funding.  So we will be again looking at pinch points in the parish where drainage and flooding regularly occur and how we can alleviate such locations in the future.  If you have suggestions do let us know.  On a not unrelated subject the SDNP ranger will be contacting us shortly about any repairs to gates, styles, signposts, footpaths etc.  Already the Ranger and his team have around our parish, cutting back and clearing footpaths, bridle ways and removing fallen trees and debris.  So if you do know of any areas that are in need of urgent attention again let any of the parish councillors know.

John Cross

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