Newsletters,  Uncategorized

15th February 2017

A couple of months ago in this column I mentioned and illustrated the Bignor and Sutton boundary stone.  This stone had been upturned, and now we hope will be corrected and made stable.  The stone is marked on the ordinance survey maps that layout Lords Piece, so this was easy to identify and locate correctly.  However, someone mentioned there was another boundary stone!  This has confounded everyone, even those who have lived in and around the parish for many years had no knowledge of this other stone.  Well I am pleased to say this isn’t a figment of some persons imagination, it is true.  There is another boundary stone.  This new information is thanks to Brenda Phillips, who contacted an old acquaintance who had lived in the parish for many years (Brenda did tell me his name, but I’ve forgotten it).  He knew of the boundary stones and was able to tell us about the fabled missing stone.  It is positioned by the barn at Maresby, commonly known as the house in the woods, near Bignor old school house.   I haven’t been to see it yet but intend too.  I suppose there is more to this story, why was there a need to have boundary stones between Sutton and Bignor , and when were they placed there?  I do remember reading in an old account of life in the Parish that there was ‘fisty cuffs’ between the young men of the parishes of Bignor and Sutton and now wonder if this boundary was disputed for many years.  Again if anyone knows more, I would be interested to hear.

You will have noticed from the notice boards, emails and village news that we are currently seeking a new Clerk.  Rachel has done a fabulous job over the last eighteen month and has decided to move on, we hope to be able to interview and appoint a new Clerk, more on this very soon.  The other notice the Parish Council has circulated is that positions are available on the Parish Council itself.  There are two positions vacant and we would like to fill these, as at present the work of the Parish Council is falling to just five of us.  Should you be interested in serving the community in this manner do feel free to contact any of us to discuss what it might involve.

Finally, the Parish Council, as usual, has been asked to contribute to various reports and documents regarding all manner of things ‘Public Space Protection Orders’ , ‘Dog Control’ and the ‘Joint Minerals Local Plan, Proposed Submission Draft (Regulation 19)’.  Interesting that our opinions are sought for all these documents yet the one thing we do have strong opinions on and wish to express to WSCC is always ignored, namely planning applications and appeals.   With this in mind, we have managed to arrange  as one of the speakers for the annual parish meeting in May, Ian Whiteman.  Many will know Dr Whiteman, as he is the Senior Advisor on Historic Buildings and will have come across him in any application if you live in a listed building or live within the conservation area.  I for one look forward to that talk.  More about the Annual Parish Meeting nearer to the date.

John Cross

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