Parish Matters
Dear Fellow Resident,
Hopefully, like us, you really appreciate how fortunate we are to live in these beautiful surroundings – and consequently become upset or annoyed to see the lanes strewn with litter, the drains blocked, the fingerposts green with mildew etc.
Well, since the local authorities stopped providing such services years ago, there are but two options – accept the decline or do something about it! Hence the initiative of our Village Clean-up Day on Saturday 6th April from 9am to 1pm.
This is now long overdue, as the last one, organized by the late and lamented Norman Young, was now about five (?) years ago.
Every resident, no matter what their age, is welcomed – indeed encouraged – to take part. If you feel you can only spare – or last! – 30 minutes or an hour, then that’s fine. Equally, if you can spare the whole morning, that would be fantastic. Or, of course, anything in between. Many hands make light work!
Barrington Lawes will be acting as co-coordinator based within the Village Hall and will delegate tasks, either to pairs or small teams, according to individual abilities and wishes.
Please wear suitable footwear and clothing including, if you have one, a ‘Hi-Vis’ yellow vest and suitable gloves for litter picking, sign post cleaning etc.
As an added incentive, if you pitch up between 09.00 and 10.00 there’ll be fresh bacon rolls and hot drinks on offer (profits going to the Village Hall). Hopefully, there’ll also be some banter and great camaraderie!
Thank you.
John Cross – Parish Council
Martin Shepherd- Village Hall Committee
John Collis – Sutton Horticultural Society
Barrington Lawes – Editor of the Village News