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Parish Matters – October

As we begin the descent into winter the Parish Council is mindful that our winter maintenance preparations are all in good order, so grit bins topped up, contractor employed and Councillor Parkes is ready to authorise the gritting of key areas of road that are particularly susceptible to hazardous conditions, for example outside the White Horse and Sutton Hollow. There are other areas too that are gritted, but the point I wish to make is that more of the parish roads are not gritted than are. So do be careful when driving about in the coming months. Whist I am on the subject of road maintenance, you will have noticed that Councillor Brown has ensured that any potholes have been filled, culverts have been cleared and we are ready again for winter. Where you can help to minimise water on the roads is to clear leaves away from drains, if one is located near your house.

In the coming months the full implications of the ‘General Data Protection Requirements’ (GDPR) Act will become apparent to the Parish Council. This act will affect all the village clubs, societies and committees as the communication of personal data, the holding of databases with personal data and the forwarding of emails will fall under the long shadow of this act. More on this when our Clerk finds out more for us. With the GDPR in mind and the need for transparency in all the Parish Council’s communications, it is always wise to contact parish councillors via our clerk, Hannah, who will know to whom to direct emails and be in the loop to give advice if required. ( )

An instance where residents may wish to seek advice from our clerk or relevant councillor is planning. Once again numerous residents and  applications do not appear to be following correct planning regulations and are consequently coming to the attention of planning enforcement. This, needless to say, can all be avoided if advice is sought in advance, and the Parish Council is more than happy to direct you to the right people.

Finally, many will have heard of the dreadful and shocking news of Nick Hajigeorgiou, our former landlord of the White Horse. I cannot begin to imagine what state of mind would drive anyone to such an extreme act, but I am deeply saddened for Nick and his family and I am sure we all extend our condolences to them at this difficult time.

John Cross

Chair of Sutton and Barlavington Parish Council

Next PC meeting Village Hall on Monday 8th January 7pm 2018.

The dates for the forthcoming PC meetings are as follows:

Parish Council8 January (Precept-setting) (Church)
Parish Council5 March (Church)
Annual General Meeting2 May
Annual Meeting of Electors23 May
Parish Council4 July
Parish Council5 September
Parish Council14 November (Budget Discussion)

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