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June 2017

Last month’s annual parish meeting was attended by 20 or so residents, who came along for drinks and sandwiches, thanks Nick, and primarily to listen to our guest speaker. Dr Ian Wightman, senior advisor for historic buildings for WSCC, gave an interesting and thought-provoking talk on the issues and problems that confront him and his colleagues. It was an enlightening presentation that illustrated the complexity and often seemingly contradictory approval or refusal of planning applications. I think all of us laymen went away with a greater understanding of his team’s role and purpose. Reports were also received from the Village Hall Committee, the Horticultural

Society and from me regarding the parish council’s priorities over the past and coming year.

Those priorities for the coming year are to become proactive, rather than

being reactive in ditch and drainage management in the parish, to seek

funding to continue to improve assets in the parish and to update and select a sample of the archive to the Village website. The Parish Council will

endeavour to do this whilst being keeping in our present financial forecasts.

In previous editions of ‘Parish Matters’ I have reported on the ditches and drains which we have already cleared for next winter. Further work to

unblock culverts needs doing later in the year before the onset of winter.

Since the last edition of VN we have had good news regarding the charming red brick bridge on the footpath from Sutton to Barlavington. West Sussex County Council are responsible for bridge repairs, not as I previously stated SDNP, and this bridge is now on their list to restore very shortly. I am so pleased about this as its an excellent piece of nineteenth century brick work and it would have been a great shame to have lost it due to poor maintenance.

Finally, once again I write about the loss of a resident, Jane Lawes, to our community. Jane was a fully active member of our rural life, she was well respected and loved and will be greatly missed.

John Cross

Chair Sutton and Barlavington Parish Council

Next meeting at the Village Hall on Monday 10th July, 7.30 pm

Following meeting: Wednesday 6th September in the Church

Wednesday 15th November.

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