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15th November

At the parish council meeting, held on the 9th November, numerous issues were discussed that we will be acting upon in the coming months.  Every meeting the district and county councillors for our area also endeavour to come along and bring us up to date with various issues and grants that are available to the parish.  This month Cllr Michael Brown, discussed the substantial grants for the maintenance of paved footpaths.  Alas the only paved footpaths we have in the parish are in Greenfield, and they are in good order.  Cllr Brown also asked us to remind everyone that the county councillor do not come out and unblock roadside drains and at this time of year they quickly become blocked by leaves.  So if you are walking around the parish, with stout shoes or wellies, and come across clogged up drains please do drag out the debris. Today I did my regular survey of the three drains by my house and despite clearing them out last week they were all firmly blocked.  If we have a sustained period of rainfall we are more likely to be cut off by flooding if we do not keep clearing these drains.

In last month’s village news I mentioned that the parish council and the village hall committee were going to meet to discus how a refuge facility could be provided for the Village in an emergency.   The issue of affordability, ownership and maintenance was discussed at length and the parish council’s intention is to investigate the costs, maintenance and grants that are available before we commit ourselves or the village hall to anything.  It is the parish council’s view that such a facility ought to be available for all residents as long as the parish council can seek grants to cover the capital costs and afford the servicing of acquired equipment

Finally, having just heard of the sudden death of Norman Young I wanted to express my sadness and regret at loosing a fine servant of this parish.  Norman sat on two parish council’s, to my knowledge, and was the chairman of the planning committee in the previous parish council.  He undertook this role with great energy and always sought to do his best for our parish, to mediate if their was discord, to pursue wrongdoing doggedly, but always with good grace and humour.  We all own him a debt of gratitude and I for one wish the world had more gentlemen like Norman.

John Cross

Chair Sutton and Barlavington Parish Council

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